Friday 10 December 2010

An Overview of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

Ever heard of the theory of general relativity? It's one of Albert Einstein's greatest contributions in the world of physics. You should know about it. It relates the relationship of matter to time and space and it is a theory that improves Newton's Law of Gravity and does away with its flaws in the area of mechanics and in the area of another one of his theories which is the theory of special relativity.

The theory of general relativity basically states that the energy and momentum of matter causes the distortion of the space-time continuum that it is associated with and that it is the gravity acting upon an object that makes it follow a path that it does not logically follow. The equations that Albert Einstein formulated out of this theory to relate matter to the space versus time continuum are called the Einsteinian field equations.

Many things are predicted through the theory of general relativity. Among these predictions or consequences are gravitational time dilation, light bending, and orbital precess. These predictions are not just theoretical so that they still need to be tested and confirmed. These predictions have been proven through credible research and they have been confirmed through various phenomena such as the solar eclipse in 1919.

The theory of general relativity is one of the fundamental principles that had been an aid to unravel other things. It has helped astronomers and scientists discover new things and study them analytically. It is not a surprise why this is so because Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity is one of the most confirmed theories in the history of theoretical physics and what is more is that it had won him a Nobel Prize!

My name is Darren and I love all things scientific. I own the website. On it you can find a more detailed General Theory of Relativity and information on his works and that of other famous scientists.

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