Thursday 9 December 2010

The Origin Music of Indonesia

Campursari music is original music that comes from Indonesia, especially Java region is the place of origin campursari.Komposisi music among other music that is traditional or local music in the music combined with pop, rock, alternative, dangdut and keroncong (also the original music from Indonesia) .

Music campursari really enjoy doing a lot of people, especially in rural and urban areas and even country and even overseas, especially the State of Suriname.

The main instrument is essentially a musical instrument or Gamelan music then added other instruments like guitar, drums, keyboards, flute, and other lain.tema of music is usually or Most are percintan or falling in love that it is also heartbreak and comedy, the show music campursai usually held on the wedding ceremony or tourist attractions as well as accompany wayang kulit performances in order to attract visitors who come as much or even cultural missions to foreign countries.

Famous singers such as Didi Kempot, Sony Josz and much more. campursari music is a gift from the artists of traditional music is very good and needs to be preserved and be introduced throughout the world as one of the traditional culture of Indonesia.


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